30 Years Experience  |  Thousands of Smiles  |  Infinite Memories

about Trish


I have always had a passion for capturing moments on film.  Photos are not just about getting your pictures done or capturing special moments.  They are not just about preserving a memory.  They are about reliving the emotion that that photo represents.

I am a story teller and  I am a memory maker.

With over 20 years of experience and as an Instructor in the Digital Arts Program at Sheridan College in the Continuing Education Program since 2013, I have the skill and trained eye to make your project come to life. 

To get to know me all you have to do is look at my photos. They are interesting, fun and bright. I'm certainly not into boring but I am into capturing the photos that I know you will place on your walls to admire every day.  We capture the moments you want to remember.

What type of Sessions do I love to capture?
I love portraiture and I especially love working with women capturing their essence and showing them who and what I see from behind the camera which is always a woman full of beauty and confidence.

Contemporary Portrait photographer

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Work with Simcoe County's only Accredited photographer with the Portrait Masters.  Over 60 Awards won since 2021.

how it all started

Of course like many before me, my passion for photography started in high school. I couldn't afford a big fancy camera then so a basic point and shoot and some regular film was all I needed to get the job done.

By the time I had my second son, my husband pointed out that I needed to upgrade my photography equipment. He saw that I was passionate about amazing photos and excited every time I recalled a memory from a photo that I had taken. So with a little loan from the bank of hubby, I updated my camera and built a studio!

let's get personal

Now owning my own professional photography business is one of the most rewarding things I have ever done. Not only do I get to create my own hours making it easy for me to still raise my kids, but it allows me to encourage other young women to never forget the their dreams and that anything is possible if you work for it. At the end of my day though its about making my clients and my family happy and encouraging budding young people to follow their dreams no matter how distant they may seem.

What you should know about me:

-I use both a Mac and a PC and yes my left and right brain get along just fine together ;)
-I absolutely love my husband, my kids and my Golden Retriever. They are my light.
-If I had to choose between ice cream and my hubby, someday's without a doubt it would be ice cream
-I never sweat emergencies because there is always a resolution...for everything else there is duct tape
-I never make a promise I can't keep and I never say anything I wont back up. My word is my gold!
-I was taught old school, so manners are definitely important along with excellent customer service.
-She who never took a chance, never had a chance at all!

Ardagh Bluff Living Magazine

Check out our Podcast chat!

Magazine Photographer

Best Cover Award April 2023

Awards, Features and Accolades & Giving Back

Outreach And Community volunteerism

Giving Back to the Community

Get  the Guide!

Portrait sessions can be a memorable and enjoyable experience, capturing the essence of individuals and families. However, preparing for a portrait session can sometimes feel overwhelming. This guide is designed to help you navigate the process smoothly, ensuring you look and feel your best.

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